Robert Thomas to Give Keynote Presentation at the 22nd Annual Texas Eminent Domain Conference
We are pleased to host Robert Thomas, Esq., Senior Attorney with Pacific Legal Foundation, as this year’s featured presenter at the 22nd Annual Texas Eminent Domain Conference. Robert is a leading expert in eminent domain law and speaks on the subject across the country. He is also an elected member of the American Law Institute and teaches courses on eminent domain, land use, property rights, and property law at William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Robert will be discussing national eminent domain trends and how these trends can be applied to everyday cases. Check out the Q&A below to get a sneak peek of his talk. You can also visit Robert’s blog, Inverse Condemnation, to read more about the conference and other topics on eminent domain and condemnation.
Q: What are you most looking forward to at the 22nd Annual Texas Eminent Domain Conference?
A: Renewing acquaintances and “talking shop” with friends and colleagues (and the programming, naturally).
Q: What will you discuss in your presentation “National Eminent Domain and Takings Trends: What to Look for on the Horizon?” Can you provide (3) key takeaways and/or talking points?
A: (1) Where might the US Supreme Court be heading with property rights and takings law?, (2) Given that Texas law is pretty good on these issues, why should I care?, (3) How can we shape the law in our “everyday” cases?
Q: Are there any topics/panels/presentations you look forward to hearing at the conference?
A: Valuation of Trees and Landscaping, Exercising the Power of Eminent Domain Against a Governmental Entity, and Cutting-Edge Eminent Domain Issues (among others, of course!)
Q: Why is fighting for property rights important to you?
A: Without property rights as the foundation, many if not all of our other civil rights can be meaningless. Strong protections of property provide a stake in the civil enterprise.